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The main aim of this study was to explore visual art as learning platform to negotiate social and cultural meanings and inform understanding of the self. The study took the form of an interpretive qualitative case study at Taung Junior Secondary…

To facilitate the visitor’s imaging of each house and period, all of the houses of the Stellenbosch Village Museum are equipped with a docent who is dressed in a period-specific costume. The docents all wear bonnets and long dresses – often with…

Photos for RADA.pdf
The research questioned what a comparative analysis of the semiotic landscapes of the Stellenbosch Village Museum and the Kayamandi Creative District House Museum reveal about the broader historical and sociocultural contexts wherein each exist, with…

The Berghuis (1850) was lived in by Olof Marthinus Bergh and his family during the mid-1800s. While it started with an exterior that was similar to Blettermanhuis, during the 19th century it was modified to its current appearance. It is ornately…

DE VILLIERS, G - PhD DISSERTATION - 10 OCTOBER 2017 (DOC) Final.compressed.pdf
The research questioned what a comparative analysis of the semiotic landscapes of the Stellenbosch Village Museum and the Kayamandi Creative District House Museum reveal about the broader historical and sociocultural contexts wherein each exist, with…

Edward makes beautiful handwoven hats from recycled plastic materials as well as intricate handcrafted flowers from recycled tin cans. He also creates necklaces from wooden beads. He learned his craft by observing elders weaving hats with grass in…

Edward makes these traditional woven hats from recycled plastic onion bags.

Edward makes these traditional woven hats from recycled plastic bags - the red plastic comes from onion bags. It takes him approximately three days to make.
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